Reflection mulan full
Reflection mulan full

reflection mulan full

Bori Khan has an intimidating look but is underused and his motivation is pretty much the only thing that is learnt about him.

reflection mulan full

The former comes off better as she is suitably mysterious and alluring, but her motives are pretty confused later on (with it being not clear what side she was on), she is pretty much a come and go plot device and her final scene felt very rushed. Both Xianniang and Bori Khan felt like underdeveloped characters. Especially with the phoenix, which doesn't really add anything. There are things in the plot that sounded oddly intriguing on paper, but done too little with. Loyal, brave and true agreed did not need to be emphasised so much, the point was made quite quickly. Do agree with those that say that a lot of the dialogue is pretty bad, with a tendency to sound stilted, especially in the cringe-worthy and very out of place attempts at sporadic humour with the troops, and go too heavy on emphasising the characters' values. Seeing as Yifei Liu's personal views had/have nothing to do with Disney or the film crew. While the disappointment that is expressed is understandable, as there are big flaws to be found and it definitely does not have the same amount of charm, heart and thrills as the 1998 film, to me 'Mulan' was not that bad and was not deserving of the extreme backlash before it was even released. Instead to me it came over as more another version of the character and her story, and one more serious and less family friendly, so directly comparing the two films didn't strike me as right. Other than the title and references to the score of the 1998 film embedded in this one. When seeing 'Mulan', it didn't actually strike me as a live action remake and doesn't have an awful lot of Disney in sight.

reflection mulan full

Part of me was really psyched being somebody who loves the 1998 film, but also worried when seeing the hate for the film and for the lead actress. Looking at the title, the advertising and that seeing it was made by Disney, it is very easy to think that this is another one of the live action remakes and it is easy why it has been critiqued as one.

#Reflection mulan full how to

Although their recent live action offerings are very mixed and none are as good as the originals, many of their animated films are fine examples of how to do animation right. Saw 2020's 'Mulan' as a massive Disney fan.

Reflection mulan full